Turkey fryers on sale at Superstore [General]

2007 Aug 30
The superstore in Westboro has about 5 more for $25 each!

I'll be testing mine out at my Brew'n'Q on Sunday ...

Includes burner, pot, turkey rack, and thermometer.

2007 Aug 30
p.s. before you use one, make sure you search Youtube for "Turkey Fryer" so you know just how dangerous they can be if you don't treat them with respect.

2007 Aug 30
In particular watch all of this one from Underwriter Labs in the US

2007 Aug 31
And check out the script from the Good Eats episode "Fry turkey fry" for further instruction. I watched that episode roughly three zillion times just to see the explosion.

2007 Sep 1
Definitely agree that insane amounts of caution need to be exercised here. I stupidly one time made a deep fried turkey in a huge pot on the stove. Biggest adrenaline rush EVER... the oil was precariously close to the top of the pot and I sat there sweating and clenching to a fire extinguisher for the entire duration of the frying :D.

It was delicious, but I'm not sure that it was worth the panic attack.

2007 Sep 2
OMFG Vorpal, deep-frying a bird indoors (even in a garage) is just about one of the most insane things you can do! If possible you should be on the lawn since most yards will soak up spilled oil next to instantly.

2007 Sep 4