Famous NYC Authors coming to Ottawa [General]

2012 Mar 19
Hi Foodies:

Just thought you might be interested in a couple of two-time James Beard Award-winning authors coming to Ottawa in April. We are hosting a stand-up book launch and canape / wine party for Karen Page and Andrew Dornenburg at Play on Monday April 10th, and an intimate sit-down dinner at Beckta the following night for the release of their latest book "The Food Lover's Guide to Wine". Details and tickets for the Play event can be found here: www.playfood.ca

Hope to see you there!

2012 Mar 19
Holy crap! I've nothing but good things to say about the Dornenburg and Page books. My copy of What To Drink With What You Eat is so well-thumbed-through that the binding's nearly falling apart. It always opens to the Chicken Page, the Salmon Page, or the Domino's Pizza Page.

It also contains some awesome Steve Beckta wine stories, which I will not mention here in the hopes that you buy the book and read them yourself ;)

2012 Mar 20
Hi Momomoto: Glad you like their books so much. They are really special people. They just got nominated for another James Beard award for this book that they are launching. Hope you get the chance to come on by for the evening. It's a great deal. $50 + tax which includes "The Food Lover's Guide to Wine" ($39 value) plus wine and canapes. Hope to see you there!

2012 Mar 20
Oh, I'll be there! (But I just sent an email to the EventBrite address to clarify something).