Freezing Chanterelles? [General]

2010 Sep 2
I know that you can dry chanterelles and then rehydrate them when needed. Can you simply freeze them instead? If so, how?

2010 Sep 2
Freezing is best, some people cook them and then bag them up in the freezer with as little air as possible in the package... I've seen loosely frozen whole, uncooked chanterelles as well but they got a bit of freezer burn.

2010 Sep 2
i froze some in the past, soon as they thawed, they turned to a useless gummy mush. fresh is best i say. and they can't be used quickly, de-hy!!!

btw, chanterelle season is now but appears weak locally.....!?

will be counting on COSTCO bringing them in by the truckload soon! LOL!

2010 Sep 2
Here's some instructions on how to freeze cooked chanterelles:
Seems that freezing uncooked ones is not the way to go.