Salt content in Meat [General]

2010 Mar 5
I was at the grocer today ... looking for pork tenderloin.

There were three choices.

(1) normal stuff (seasoned) listing salt as an ingredient. It was loaded with salt so I move along (hate this kind of pork).
(2) PC free stuff (no ingredients list) but 55 mg of salt for 100 grams of meat?
(3) Counter stuff with no nutrition facts on it.

The clerk told me (2) and (3) were not seasoned but wondered about the salt content on product (2). Can anyone tell me if this sodium is naturally occurring or if it is simply the lightly seasoned version of (1). I found this which suggests it is natural but wanted to be sure:

Versus Not:

Also of note.. I purchased (3) since I have always liked it the best. I looked up beef on the same site and found it to be 50 mg of salt per 100 grams also making me think it's natural.

2010 Mar 5
Plugging the same #s into Nat2.0 ( seems to indicate that's normal as well.

ETA: Also found this: (I love CSPI!) Scroll to document page 17 (page 20 of the PDF).

2010 Mar 5
For some reason pork has a higher natural content of sodium (than other meat I have checked)--I haven't checked out whether the good, organic, etc. sources have a lower content of salt...would be an interesting challenge!