hollandaise sauce in a jar? [General]

2010 Mar 2
I often find myself craving Egg Benedict in the morning but lacking the time to make my own hollandaise sauce. I've used the powered mix before but always end up wasting 3/4 of it. I was wondering if anyone has ever seen Hollandaise sauce in a jar? if so, how was it? Is it even worth it or should I find a new morning craving...

2010 Mar 3
I haven't seen hollandaise in a jar (I've seen something pretending to be bearnaise, but it wasn't a success), but I would like to suggest another solution : more uses for hollandaise sauce so that it doesn't go to waste. Whatever is left from breakfast can be stored in the fridge a few days. It can be reheated (slowly, with lots of wisking) and poured over salmon and/or cauliflower. And I'm sure many other things are good with hollandaise (those are just my favorite).

2010 Mar 3
Yan, just use some of the mix, not the entire packet. It if makes 4 servings, just divide the package amount by 4 and make that amount. i divide my dry mixes for other things all time and it works out fine.