home made liverwurst? [Recipes]

2009 Sep 11

2009 Sep 11
Zymurgist: I have thought about this before and as I suspected it is similar to the process for making chicken liver mousse or blood sausage.

Fill casings with the ground/liquefied mixture of pork/liver/fat and gently poach in water...here is a recipe that seems to have some good ideas.


I think to make it even easier and without compromising the end results you could fill ramekins with the ground forcemeat and poach them in a "bain-marie", as long as you don't overpoach (creating a grainy end result).

2009 Nov 22
home made liverwurst

There! It is somewhere other than the subject. Grrrr ... silly site search.

Anyway, my wife just sent me this out of the blue saying it sound like it was "right up my alley"


2010 Jul 31
Crap, Brandt has a major recall involving all of their products including their Liverwurst!

I really have to get around to making my own ...
