Spitfire Pepper Sauce [Food/Vendor]

2008 Dec 22
Been looking at my hot sauce collection recently for another entry.

Does anyone know where I can find a bottle of Spitfire Pepper Sauce ?

I got this bottle in Barbados a number of years ago. The ingredient list reads: 'peppers, relish,onions,tumeric,vinegar'.

It's a real yellow color from the turmeric and quite tastey.

.... and NO ... Chilly Chili's doesn't have it.

2008 Dec 23
you could try Grace, on Bank near Nepean.
They carry a ton of West Indie foods as well as quite a bit of Asian foods

2008 Dec 23
Thanks Chef Obi(-Wan Kenobi ?).

The sauce I'm looking for is more for nostalgia sake.

You see, when I was in the little grocery store in Barbados buying the Spitfire Pepper Sauce (for $1.80 Barbadian Dollars), I looked at the local guy behind me at the check-out.

He had a bottle exactly like mine ... except his was full of local rum instead of pepper sauce. It was a kewl hip flask ... He took no bag and slid it in his back pocket.

Later on, I saw the same guy taking a swig from his newly aquired hip flask bottle on a local (Dibby Dibby) Bus.

There were too bus companies ... one run by the gov't which was quiet and had uniformed drivers ... and a private bus company that had no uniformed bus drivers but had a stereo system cranked up with some awfully nice (Dibby Dibby) island tunz.

The headz were a swayin' and a boppin' to the music on the bus. A real life time experience.

2008 Dec 23
"Obi" is the Japanese word for "belt", as in what you wear around your waist in martial arts. In a Star Wars context this is not terribly surprising given that the Jedi are pretty-much lock, stock and barrel the Samurai. Right down to "the force" being "ki". BTW, "Kenobi" is of course "ken" (Japanese for "sword") + "obi".

I'm sure it's probably also a name. I knew someone once called "Aub" which is pronounced like "Obi" without the "i"

Picture is Takeda Sokaku - often called "the last Samurai". Garb look familiar at all (jedi)? He was the teacher of Aikido's founder Morehei Ueshiba.

2008 Dec 23
Dōmo Arigatō Mr. Roboto ... I mean Zy.

2009 Jan 31