$708 Grocery Bill! [General]

2008 Jun 20
I have gotten a contract cooking for 7 kids living in at a private school for their summer classes for the next three weeks.

Since the kitchen I am using is not stocked I had to start from scratch. Flour, sugar, salt, tinfoil, paper towel, spices, cereal, milk, soap, bleach, etcetera etcetera...plus food you can actually eat for the next few days!

I filled a cart, parked it at the front of the store and started with another one!

It was the most fun I have had in ages..like being on that old game show (was it supermarket sweep?) but without a time restriction. If I wanted it it went in the cart, and I got to charge it all!

2008 Jun 21
Lol! When I watched that sshow as a kid, I always wondered why they went for those weird tennis-racquet shaped packages first; now I know it's procuitto and I KNOW why they went for those first! $5.00/100gr!!!!!