[From Wikipedia]

Smoked salmon is a preparation of salmon, typically a fillet that has been cured and then hot or cold smoked.

Cold smoked salmon is sometimes known in Canada and the United States as "lox", particularly on the East Coast, the word being borrowed from Yiddish. The cold smoking does not cook the fish, resulting in its characteristic smooth texture.

Scottish smoked salmon is considered a delicacy, although increased availability since the advent of fish farming from the 1970s has resulted in lower quality and lower prices, although premium wild smoked salmon is available from specialist dealers.

Hot smoked salmon has been cooked by the smoking process and is eaten just like cooked salmon. An additional method of preparing smoked salmon is called Indian Hard Smoked Salmon (once known by the term "squaw candy"). It is first kippered with salt, sugar and spices and then smoked until hard and jerky-like.

Where to get Smoked Salmon

2007 Feb 4
Salslove's (both Wellington and Market) have excellent smolked salmon that they smoke in-house. The Ottawa Bagel Shop (Wellington) also has thier own brand which is very tasty.







2009 Jul 4
This may be some of the least local of their products, but the Piggy Market does sell absolutely wonderful wild BC smoked salmon. I tried their Chinook, though one of the owners (whose name I never caught) put half the supply in their cryo freezer so that he will sell some in the middle of the winter. Extremely flavorful and some of the best stuff I have had. I recommend it when you come on by.